Category Archives: Charlotte

Monday Minions

It’s been raining every day since last Thursday. (Happy Summer!)

And every day Charlotte tells me that the song we’ve been singing hasn’t worked again. (“Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day. Charlotte and Caroline want to play!”)

Hopefully tomorrow Mother Nature will get the message. 

So, after renting Despicable Me 2 (or, as Charlotte calls it, “Spit-a-cul Me.”) from the library to help pass some of the time indoors, we were inspired to make our own minions!  

We just used some things I already had at home: an egg carton cut apart, some yellow paint, googly eyes, and markers. We painted the egg carton pieces first, and then waited a looooong time for them to mostly dry. All this rain is making the air nice ‘n humid, so we had to wait over 24 hours. Agony! 

Then we simply glued on some googly eyes, drew on some glasses (or some scribbles, whatever), and set them up in their makeshift egg carton minion mobile.

Ready, set, play!


Besides being yellow and roundish, they really don’t look much like minions….But 4 year-olds are easy to please. And my 4 year-old had fun making and then playing with our simple rainy day craft. Win!

Protected: Good Enough Clips

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Protected: Last Day of Preschool

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Our Fairy Garden

My grandma, Mimi, has been creating a little fairy garden in her lawn beside her driveway for the past few years, and I’ve always thought it was just the cutest thing. Miniature furniture, mushrooms, maybe a gnome or two – count me IN. As a little girl, I was obsessed with anything tiny. I read The Borrowers and The Littles series, I played with Polly Pockets (and other tiny dolls), and I always wanted to find and save for last the tiniest grapes on the bunch. (That last one’s a little weird…) I’ve been waiting and hoping for the day Charlotte might express some interest in creating one of these adorable little gardens….

And that day has come! 

She brought it up last week, and Daddy and I delivered. We spent a small fortune at Earl May and Menards getting the supplies, but who cares when it comes out this adorable? Behold, our fairy garden:


It’s still missing our cute pair of ceramic bunnies that suffered a near causality as soon as we brought them home, but once the glue cures we’ll plop those right in there to play amongst the moss and mushrooms. 

Now, I have no clue how this will look after it finishes raining tonight, but half the fun is arranging it anyway. I don’t think we’ll mind having to do it again. 

And on that note, Happy Mother’s Day to all! 


Protected: Happy Easter updates

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Protected: Song writing

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A memory to save for a rainy day

After a fun night of an impromptu trip to the Children’s Museum, dinner at Chik-fil-a, and a stroll through the toy aisle (just looking 🙂 ) at Target, I asked Charlotte what her favorite part of the day was as we were lying in her bed together tonight.

She surprised me with her answer, spoken without any hesitation:

“When you and daddy both came to pick me up from Katie’s [the babysitter] house.”

Awww. She is an easy one to please. Gosh, I love her! 

Sisters in February





In February 2015, Charlotte is 4 and Caroline is 8 months old. Charlotte relishes in her role of being one of the few people who can make Caroline really laugh out loud, and Caroline continues to be delighted by the exuberance of her big sister. Charlotte will ask to get in Caroline’s crib with her just about every day, and Caroline welcomes her with a grin. Meanwhile, Mom and Dad are simply feeling honored to witness the development of this lifelong, unbreakable bond. 

Protected: Cozy Sunday in the Snow

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Name Stools

Caroline received a special gift in the mail last week.


Thank you, Aunt Micki and Uncle Matt, for these wonderful name stools! I had one as a little girl, so they are especially sentimental for me. Charlotte loves hers, and she is excited that Caroline has one now, too. I have a feeling she will learn how to spell Caroline’s name rather quickly…Yay for learning, says the teacher.