Password Protected Posts

Now that Charlotte is getting older, I’ve been thinking more about her privacy with this blog. I still plan to blog about her and future children, but many of these posts will often be password protected, particularly if they contain video. If you are interested in reading these, please email me or write me a comment and I will happily provide you the password! 

All posts about parenting or life in general, our house, and topical steroid addiction/withdrawal will be open to the public as normal! 

Thanks for understanding!



3 responses to “Password Protected Posts

  1. Hello Katy, I was unsure if Charlotte also has Red skin syndrome/TSW. If so, and you are blogging about her TSW journey, may I get the password so I can read it? I am doing a study/review on TSW in children using literature and TSW child blogs and would like to include the data in my study. No identifying info will be revealed.

    Thank you,
    Rosemarie Curley

    • Hi Rosemarie, No, my daughter is not going through TSW (thank goodness!). Just me. I really owe the blog an update on how I’m doing! If you would still like the password, let me know and I can send it along!

      • I’m glad your daughter doesn’t have it, and I’m sorry you’re going through it. I hope the your at the tail end of it and doing better. Yes, if you would share the password and the blog that would be great. Thank you and continued healing to you!

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