Oops I Ignored July Part 1: Nana & Bob Visit


Anyone still out there?


I know, I’ve abandoned the blog for a little while. This is actually the longest blogging break I’ve had since I started this little thing more than 2.5 years ago. I’ve enjoyed my “time off,” but I’m excited to share what we’ve been up to for the past, oh, MONTH. Sorry, July. I ignored you around here.

So I don’t bore anyone (including myself), I’ll share a few pics and keep it brief. How about a little list action? (I’ll finish the list in later posts)

1) Nana and Bob come to Iowa City

In the middle of the month, we had a super fun visit from Amy and Bob. The days they were here were probably the hottest days we had all summer, so we tried to avoid the heat with trips to the mall carousel, the Natural History Museum (more on that soon), and the hotel pool.

Since I tend to flake out on taking pictures when someone else has a camera, all these pictures here are stolen from Amy. Good thing she and Bob took great ones! πŸ™‚



We had dinner one night at the Iowa River Power Restaurant, which is where Chris and I had our wedding reception. After dinner, we took Charlotte to the bridge outside the restaurant to check out the river. She ran across the entire thing…and back, which was probably about a half mile. Future marathoner?


The next night, Charlotte put her new swimming lesson skills to the test at the hotel pool. John, Carla, and Madeline joined us for swimming, and I stayed on deck to be everyone’s photographer. I must say, I took tons of adorable pictures and videos. Charlotte and Madeline were the cutest things ever playing in the water. Charlotte blew bubbles in the water for the first time, too, which she proudly showed off at her lesson the next morning.



Thanks, Amy and Bob, for such a great time!

6 responses to “Oops I Ignored July Part 1: Nana & Bob Visit

  1. Adorable! Glad to have you back!

  2. Welcome back! It looks like you have been having fun!

  3. You’re back! πŸ™‚ Just love these pics!

  4. Hooray! You’re back on the blog! Now post more adorable pics! πŸ™‚

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