A memory to save for a rainy day

After a fun night of an impromptu trip to the Children’s Museum, dinner at Chik-fil-a, and a stroll through the toy aisle (just looking 🙂 ) at Target, I asked Charlotte what her favorite part of the day was as we were lying in her bed together tonight.

She surprised me with her answer, spoken without any hesitation:

“When you and daddy both came to pick me up from Katie’s [the babysitter] house.”

Awww. She is an easy one to please. Gosh, I love her! 

5 responses to “A memory to save for a rainy day

  1. How sweet…sniff sniff. What a loving response coming from such a little doll. Big hugs to Charlotte. And of course to Caroline as well. xoxo!!!

  2. Sweet Charlotte.

  3. Comments like that make it all worthwhile! Miss her!

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